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WebMD Substance Use Disorders & Addiction Guide: Overview

This type of dependence varies widely with both substance and user. In its most intense form the user becomes obsessed with the drug and focuses virtually all his interest and activity on obtaining and using it. Diagnosing drug addiction (substance use disorder) requires a thorough evaluation and often includes an assessment by a psychiatrist, a… Continuar lendo WebMD Substance Use Disorders & Addiction Guide: Overview

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: mechanisms, manifestations, and management PMC

Auras occur right before a seizure and can help someone with a history of seizures know that a seizure is about to happen. Those with severe or complicated symptoms should be referred to the nearest emergency department for inpatient hospitalization. It’s estimated that 1.2% of people in the United States have active epilepsy, according to… Continuar lendo Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: mechanisms, manifestations, and management PMC

How to Win at Dry January 2023 Plus Benefits & Downsides

Abstinence involves recognizing and modifying a behavior, such as deciding to consume less sugar. In contrast, addiction recovery implies a more intricate process and is not the focus of this post. As the confetti settles and the echoes of New Year’s celebrations linger, many find themselves contemplating ways to usher in positive change. Peer pressure,… Continuar lendo How to Win at Dry January 2023 Plus Benefits & Downsides

On call: Do alcohol and statins mix?

For example, several studies have reported that people with a higher SES may consume similar or higher amounts of alcohol than those in the lower category. Nevertheless, groups with the lowest SES seem to present higher negative alcohol-related consequences [12]. Factors such as the level of education, race, ethnicity, and gender, as well addressing unmet… Continuar lendo On call: Do alcohol and statins mix?

Diabetes and Your Eyes: Blurry Vision and Other Problems

In some cases, methanol poisoning can occur as a result of drinking homemade alcohol or moonshine. Your muscles might not move as effectively while you are under the influence of alcohol. When this happens, you may have blurred vision or double vision due to weakened eye-muscle coordination. Reducing high blood pressure can ease hypertension, and… Continuar lendo Diabetes and Your Eyes: Blurry Vision and Other Problems

How To Create A Good Contingency Plan

IBM Maximo Application Suite is an integrated cloud-based solution that helps businesses respond quickly to changing conditions. By combining the power of artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced analytics, it enables organizations to maximize the performance of their most valuable assets, lengthen their lifespans and minimize costs and downtime. Habits, compulsions, patterns… Continuar lendo How To Create A Good Contingency Plan