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Very interesting interview, well done both. Melonath Falls cries out „this map represents a battleground“ in the same way the lairs in G1 to G3 do. An unskilled party is going to get ambushed and attacked from multiple directions https://loojang.com/wisho/. Settembrini, you can pick up JB’s Hell’s Own Temple directly from his B/X Blackrazor site whilst we are waiting for No Artpunk volume 2. I think a play from those skilled in handling high level characters would be illuminating: JB has not nerfed any PC abilities, relying on the power and special attacks of the devils to challenge them; I suspect the 2 fire giants need reinforcement to 4 (or even 6). High level adventures are harder to judge from just a read through, as experienced parties will have clever combinations, making use of precast spells and magic items. If your group does attempt the module, a playtest report is expected!

I used to play and run quite complex campaigns. First, a buddy masterfully GMed everything complex in the background (and diligently manipulated affairs according to the execrable precepts of The Dark Eye), much later I did the same with DCC (and was transparent and scrupulously correct about it, with appropriate procedures, e.g. for the reaction of other political factions etc.).

Ich habe kürzlich endlich Zock-Bock-Radio #38 zu Ende gehört — mein erster Podcast überhaupt und dann gleich vier Stunden. 8-o Ein paar Kommentare und ein längerer Exkurs zu meinem Projekt *Im Reich der Nibelungen*:

Heist adventures. Excellent ideas already mentioned in the podcast: read Kidnap the Archpriest; random generation tool for folk encountered. For the latter I would include a loyalty stat. Kidnap the Archpriest might be improved by a more graduated alarm response; see the Notoriety system in WGR6 The City of Skulls. Also some more thought about obstacles against resources, e.g. locked stout wooden doors against passwall, knock, wood warp. Other adventures worth looking at: A Little Bit of Thievery; Statues.


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